Hi, Nicol.
Uh, no. There is a major diference between a mod, )(m o d,) and a mud, 
(m u d.)
A mod, (m o d,) is a modification or a module. It is added to an 
existing game to update or change the way it works. Such as extra sound 
effects, extra levels, etc.
A mud, (m u d,) is a multiuser dungeon.  They are multiplayer text 
adventure games using a client program and a server.

Nicol Oosthuizen wrote:
> NB: This email and its contents are subject to our email legal notice
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> ----
> I'm still trying to see if I understand completely what a mod is. I know
> by now a mod is an online text adventure game and that you need a mod
> client to play these. It's not like the green dragon game which you play
> without a mod client. But is there then an online mario text adventure
> game? 

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