Hi, Shaun.
Well, there were quite a number of bugs in the first release of Alpha 1. 
Yesterday and today I went through allot of the code, and I did find 
anomalies in dying when you were not suppose to like jumping strait in 
to the air and hitting the left or right arrow key. That was not suppose 
to happen and is now fixed.
So don't judge the game only by this first release. It was probably 
released to soon.
Second, I did find some problems panning as reported and I am fixing it 
that sounds when panning is better balanced and more natural.

shaun everiss wrote:
> Well I can only get passed the first portal and I just don't get 
> anywhere, i die.
> This game is not for me I think.
> So I don't think I will buy it.
> Good sfx.

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