Hi, listers.
Just a friendly warning to remember to not send off topic posts to the 
list. If you absolutely feel it should be sent here always ask one of 
the moderators, Raul or myself, for permission before posting an off 
topic post.
Second, if a post is off topic all replies should be sent to the person 
directly and not to the list unless you specifically hear otherwise from 
Kevin, Raul, or myself.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or wish to ask about a specific 
topics off topic status send mail to
and one of us will get back to you.
Since Raul is going away for his wedding you can send questions to
until Raul returns to active duty on list.
This is the lists final warning about off topic postings. Future posts 
will result in immediate moderation of the person or persons involved.

Gamers mailing list .. Gamers@audyssey.org
To unsubscribe send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can visit
http://audyssey.org/mailman/listinfo/gamers_audyssey.org to make
any subscription changes via the web.

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