Hello gamers,
Early this week, Monday, I began the process of updating Montezuma's 
Revenge to the 2.0 .NET Framework. In the process I have decided to also 
make a drastic alteration in the way game audio is handled.
In Alpha 1 I used a standard stereo pan control, via DirectX, to pan the 
sound effects. While that is generally ok allot of testers felt that the 
handling of sound effects just isn't quite right, and the roll off 
factor for sounds sounds fake and unnatural. I plan to correct this by 
rewriting the audio class for the game and will be using full virtual 3D 
buffers which will correct this issue. It should sound much more natural 
when the job is complete.
Another major change I have planned is using DirectX DirectInput to 
handle game movement and keyboard control. In Alpha 1 allot of folks 
were discontent with the way keyboard input was handled. True I was just 
using a standard Windows form event to handle input. Again while 
functional the major problem with that was it couldn't support multiple 
keyboard controls such as control+right arrow to speed run or space 
arrow key to jump. As a result this will be changed to be more flexable 
with keyboard commands.
So what can you expect in the updated release? In the upcoming release I 
plan to really overhall the core engine. This is going to take a quite a 
long time to do. Not sure when Alpha 2 will be out, but it won't be soon 
with this stuff in the works.

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