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Where can I find this game?

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of shaun everiss
Sent: 10 August 2006 06:36 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] info on game.

you can finnish it with the bugs.
email me off list if you need a full sollution file or ask damon of 
x-sight as he has finnished it.
It can be finnished but if you don't do everything in order stuff 
will not play right.
The thing is that if you do stuff wrongly, even if you have not 
finnished but have what you need  to complete the game without doing
Well you lose a lot of the plot.
The game is smart enough to know when you have used something that 
will not be needed anymore though.
There are 3 bugs really.
well 4.
Its impossible to interupt speech, restore a game from a save, or 
quit without diing.
Its also not possible to be able to move around the menus at a fast
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