Is the starting setup randomized from game to game?  I played two 
games in the last couple of days and the setups appeared to be identical.

Also, is there any advantage to firing one large salvo of torpedos 
over firing several small salvos?  The latter gives the obvious 
advantage of allowing you to use only as many torpedos as you need, 
since the firing sequence is cut short when the target is destroyed.

Now to some wish list items.

1.  I'd like a finer-grained location report.  As it is, we know the 
ships are anywhere within a 40 light year square, which does make 
some things more difficult.  As I am sure you have the actual 
Cartesian coordinates available in the ship data structures, I'd like 
at least the option to see the raw coordinates.

I like the options for recharging ship systems, but I'd like to see 
the option for directing power to overcharge shields a la Star Fleet 
Battles.  Along this line, what does it mean when I see on a scan 
result that a shield is over 100 percent?

3.  Mines!

4.  I'd like to see the shields divided so that your facing relative 
to enemy ships makes a difference.  It would be cool to have to deal 
with protecting a weakened shield.

This is not precisely a wish list item, but it seems that the balance 
of offense-defense is skewed in favor of the offense.  It seems to me 
that it was unusual for one ship to be able to do in another in one 
salvo, a result that is eminently possible in this game.  If this is 
deliberate, and it must be, it's a design decision I might revisit 
for increased dramatic play.

I had more, but I've forgotten what they are.  I shall just have to 
go play again.

        Christopher Bartlett

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