Hi list:

Myself and Damien are going to be handling setting up races and tournaments
and wanted all ideas on what type of tournament you would be interested.

Would you want a on going tournament from week to week and points assigned
to the winner for each week?

Would you like it to be 15-20 laps instead of just 5 or 10?

Do you think we should create laps different weeks to make it harder or
should we just keep the tracks that are currently available?

All ideas would be greatly appreciated.

To not clog this list up, please email me personally at the following email
address so I can copulate the ideas and post the results in a week or less. 

Remember all suggestions are welcome and wanted. Please be aware that if not
possible to do will be kept on file for possible inclusion later.

Please email me off list at:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] and the subject line please put tournament idea.

I will have a filter that will send that email to a specific folder for ease
of reading for me and keeping up with everything.

Thanks everybody ahead of time!


Michael Maslo

Gamers mailing list .. Gamers@audyssey.org
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any subscription changes via the web.

Gamers mailing list .. Gamers@audyssey.org
To unsubscribe send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can visit
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