Okay, I first started mudding using mush z. I am aware that mush z was pretty much made for the use of alteraon, but I have been able to play cyberassault on it also. But, some of the plugins for mush z do not work for cyberassault, like the capture mud output plugin. There are some others, but the output window is the one I am most concerned with. I like being able to control tab to an output window and save if I wish, what I am reading for later review. In cyberassault, there is a newbie manual you get in the game, wich I would like to fall back on when not playing. Anyway, I cannot save the output to a text file due to the plugin not working with cyberaassault.

So, I downloaded VIP mud. I was told by Dark how to enter new mud log on info, but it throw s an error when I try to log in a character, whether in cyber in cyber assault or in alter aeon. And to boot, I have no clue as to how to copy output text to a text file for saving.

With Mush z I have the monster llore info on several of the boss type characters in case I restart my character or somone else needs the info.

So, what do do? VIP mud states that it was pretty much created to hel pblind players, but I find the tree tables someonewhat difficult to navigate and the items you can manipulate are not clearly named. I know VIP mud is another entity altogether compared to mush z, but I think the mush z interface is much easier and clearer than the VIP mud.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.


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