Hi Tom.

that is true on general questions, heck even I know who the first president of the Usa was and I'm not American :D. No idea on other presidents accept those who were president when i was actually alive such as Ronald Raygon and the dreaded bush, , (I know a few names but not much about them), :D.

Getting back to audio captures, it's not just the letters, it is the fact that the capture can also flag up words. thus, something could be b, d, g, grey, gay, hay day, or pay.

Something could be spoon, 2, soon, shoe etc.

The fact is that the captures are so! garbled and so randomized that your really on to a none starter so that you can't even guess what something is.

As I've said before, google's old sound captures were quite doable I found, indeed I often recommended them to devs, but rather than the samples of a comparatively human sounding voice behind all the garbled chatter, they seemed to have changed to a really staticky synth instead.

One alternative might be to illinate the play online factor, and have a short actual file of the system. There was always a download link as well as the embedded hyperlink script that played the capture, but I wonder given that most spambots I imagine don't! have the routines to save files much less review them if that would let them have more audible catprues, since it wouldn't be that bad for people to download a short mp3 or wav file of 30 seconds and play it.

Beware the Grue!


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