I will add however, that even in small games, quality can vary.

Take the BG games for instance. These do not seem to take Ian humphries long to write, yet seem to have lots of features, even and above commercial varients. For example low vision workable graphics, different skill levels of the computer, many speech and review keys, intelligent computer hints (his mastermind is quite ridiculous for that), ability to generate different puzzles, heck, his crosswords game even lets you load in several sorts of crosswords from across the internet.

So for me at least, while it is certainly true that something like Gma tank commander takes a lot more building than a word or puzzle game, or even a simple arcade game, there still does seem to be a quality aspect of design there to be considdered from the perspective of the programmer.

this is doubly true considdering we're seeng lots of people using BGt and python to create smaller, simple arcade games, but often ones without enough features or detail to be of a reasonable standard, either from a design perspective, or simply from a point of view of running smoothly.

Beware the grue!


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