Hi guys, I’ve just found this game called Blindside, and am very impressed with 
it.  The voice acting and sounds are some of the best I’ve heard, though at the 
moment I can’t get the poor guy to his office block.  I try and cross the road, 
but can’t seem to time the cars properly and he ends up being run over.  The 
odd thing is though when I first loaded the game up on my phone it said to move 
left and right for turning left and right.  I thought it meant move my  phone, 
but when that didn’t work I turned my body, and that made the sounds move 
around me.  I got the shock of my life when that happened, for one thing, how 
does the game know I even moved my body?  I’m freeked out now lol, hope I can 
sleep tonight.  From Lori.
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