On 1/8/07, ShadowDragon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to get this out in the open. For as long as I can remember I've
> wanted to make a mud of my own, and I have the perfect plan for one. I've
> got the framework of the mud layed out perfectly in my mind and everything,
> it'll be extremely awesome when its finished. I said when, not if.

<- cut out, see original message ->

I had a quick look at your ideas and it sounds great!
I like the idea you have about communications in game, but that would
force you to not only write a MUD but also a custom client for the
game. Popping up windows is not something you do in a terminal window
so you can forget all about monkey term, gmud and all the other
standard clients.

Even if most people use Windows today you will loose all Linux users.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Linux works quite well for visually
impaired, right?

How well does webbrowsers work? How do you deal with frames on webpages?

Would it be possible to write the game so that you play it from a
browser, separating different parts of the userinterface in frames.

1 frame for stats
1 frame for world descriptions
1 or more frames for communication. Player to Player, Game to Player
and maybe Player to Group

Since I'm not visually impaired it's quite hard for me to imagine how
and what works. I did try to use Jaws blindfolded. But I nearly hurt
myself missing the keyboard, well not quite that bad but still I had a
hardtime just typing and I realized how much I rely on seeing my
keyboard. And I have been using computers since 1986!


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