
Hmmm, firstly have you actually turned sapi speaking on in the options? it's on the speech page. yu won't get sapi until you enable this, (I thought this was fairly self explanetory but I can add a note if you like).

Regarding Jaws, I was going off what other people said, since manifestly I do not use jaws. Indeed, while most jaws users seem to think winfrotz is okay, apparently Filfre tends to be better for jaws as a screen reader, ---- don't know why, since with supernova it is the other way around, and I can read the pages no trouble with Supernova's dolphin curser. Regarding the scrolling problem you mention, make sure "fast scrolling" is turned off, and "show more prompsts" is turned on. This means if you've got a game with more text than will display on one screen you get the usual "hit enter to see more" rather than the game trying to auto scroll.

I thought these were default options but possibly not.

Hth, though to be honest if filfre works for you,fair enough.

The only major advantage Win frotz has over filfre is much better compatibility with some of the older infocom game file formats like zip or dat files (not to be confused with normal dat or zip files).

Regarding the Nvda plugin, well it's possible it moved since I posted the link, but that is easily updated.

All the best,


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