Hi tom.

Well while I agree on material costs, at the same time as you said yourself the markup is frankly insane on access products, because it's a captive and small markit manufacturers of accessible goods and providers of accessible services basically charge through the roof. I think the worst I ever saw was a device composed of an infra red sensor and buzzer. The idea was you could put the sensor on an object or your seet etc, and press the buzzer to have it bleep so you could locate it at a distance by hearing.

yes, a very handy device, ---- but not at £350, ---- that is around 600 usd! Heck, I know very little about electronics but even I! could make a guess about how the circuites in those worked, and don't they sell novelty key ring finders that do the same thing for about 1£10?

In fairness this isn't just with blindness, wheel chairs, hoists and other equipment for physically disabled people is just as ridiculous, also there are some accessible devices which aren't gougingly priced. I was quite impressed for example to find that the pen friend labelling system I use cost exactly £50 for the initial unit, and packs of 500 labels would cost another £7.

Of course annoyingly the rnib won't actually let you buy packs of just the size you want and only sells two basic selections, but there you go.

Still this shows not everything accessible has to be insanely expensive, even if the raw materials will put the price up somewhat.

Beware the grue!


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