okay I've finished the game now. Lots of fun and I'll certainly do it again. my 
completion time was 267 minutes. once I knew you could turn an explored 
location into an outpost, things worked  far better. 

In general a really awsome game, though i wish it'd been longer with more items 
and  different locations and more stuff to find on the map. 

Beware! spoilage ahoy!  

I don't know what Aaron means  regarding south or finding helpful stuff. I 
found enemies got harder the further I went from the village, but things didn't 
particularly change regarding loot , the battlefield is the highest  quality 
loot area and the place to get the carbine and batteries, but other than that I 
didn't find anything different apart from the two story locations, the wrecked 
ship and the swamp.  funnily enough as I said regarding exploring, I think I 
probably just did everything the wrong way around since I didn't know you could 
get water from explored locations making it harder to go to further away 
places. When I realized I needed alien alloy for the ship I just sold off all 
my firs, teeth and scales to the merchant, and wound up with a ship with  29 
hp, (you can tell how much resources I had, particularly since I traded some 
firs for teeth). 

I wasn't sure if 29 would be enough but it turned out it was, ----- just!

the only weerd   occurrence I had was o I only gave the chap in the swamp one 
jewel, so only got one comment from him, but then I seemed to have more for 
some reason, but  couldn't find the swamp again.  I also notice the amulet  has 
indicators on the map so I wonder if there is an encounter I missed there,  
particularly since the ending with the starship was a little grim, ---- it 
would have been nice to take my slaves off with me, and I do wonder what 
happened to the builder in the end.

A great game though and one which will certainly get a db page, I also 
particularly hope it gets expanded or even a sequal.

Beware the grue! 

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