Hi, 7-128 Software is proud to announce the release of a new Inspector Cyndi in Newport Game, Dead Man's Chest. You, as the detective, are charged with finding the rightful owner of a newly discovered buried treasure chest. Everybody wants the treasure and are telling you lots of reasons why they should be the owner. Interview people in 1890's Newport to determine who should get the treasure, how it was put together, and who had access to the location where it was buried. There are a lot of possibilities. You have to pick the right one.

This game is a self-voiced windows game that works on Windows XP through Windows 8. It, like all of the other Inspector Cyndi games is playable by people age 10 and up. The cost of the game is $10.00. It is available on our website, www.7128.com.

Eleanor Robinson
7-128 Software

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