Hi Rob,
Shades of Doom is not a 3D game. It is a 2D game with a 3D audio sound 
So when you say 3D is your movement fully 3d, or is just the audio 3D. 
I'd like make it fully clear before you advertise something is not 
really the case.
For example, in the 3d Star Wars games I have played take Mysteries of 
the Sith Mara Jade could jump through Windows on buildings and on to 
roof tops in the Imperial city, and you'd have to shoot down or up and 
enemies as well as your fforward, back, and left and right directions.

rob wrote:
> Well, since enemy attack and jedi quest will have two different consepts i 
> don't think so we'll have two same (or slightly different) sw games.
> Basically in jedi quest you'll be able to move in a 3d environment (just like 
> in shades of doom) with a lightsaber in hand, and if you pick up a blaster 
> or thermal detonator you'll be able to use it as well.
> It'll contain lots of puzzle-like elements, you have to figure out a secret 
> code to be able to enter to different areas, push buttons with the force to 
> lower bridges to be able to walk through pits, or just use your force jump 
> to jump through.
> As we're planning to do it as much realistic as we can, probably you will 
> have lots of things to do, in the pit's case you can jump through or push 
> the button and you can walk on a bridge across it.
> Also enemies willhave weaknesses like in the original movies, destroyer 
> droids will have a shield, and other things like that.
> Currently we're designing the whole environment, objects, traps, etc.
> Rob

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