Hi Charles,

Kidnapped should work on this emulator. Thing you need to know is that
most of those old text adventures like that were written in Apple
Basic which is pretty easy to emulate because they weren't compiled
and were just scripts run by an Apple Basic interpreter to begin with.
If someone can write an Apple Basic interpreter that is faithful to
the original one for Apple Works then just about every game and piece
of software for the Apple II will run on your PC..


On 4/7/14, Charles Rivard <wee1s...@fidnet.com> wrote:
> I've never tried any of these games.  I do know that someone was telling me
> about a game that was called "kidnapped", in which you had to escape from a
> building, that involved word play.  Is there such an animal, and will it
> work on this emulator?  If so, where can it be gotten?  Got any other games
> that might be of interest?  If so, how about a short synopsis?  Thanks.
> ---
> Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,
> you! really! are! finished!

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