Hi Tom.

I certainly wouldn't object to audeasy replicating news, sinse not only would this mean more sources of game news and more people looking out for new games and updates (the other news posters and I try my best but we're only human), but also there's always some advantage to seeing news told in a different way or style.

I certainly think some newbie introductions would be helpful. I had considdered putting together some articles for the articles room on audiogames.net with lists of correct links to db entries, but this would be again something else to maintain and if say the download url for Shades of doom changed it'd be something else to update as well and frankly working on the db and news is already more than enough to keep me busy.

Therefore, some diversity in what audeasy did, particularly in the area of being a launching point for new gamers as well as an alternative source of news owuld be great.

All the best,


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