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HI all
Yeh, its tricky to jump over those mines in act3 but its just a lot of
practice. Its just carefull listening for the sound and after a lot of
practice you will manage to jump over them all. The only thing I have to
overcome in act3 is to get to the  end before the bomb destroys
I was jumping over all the mines and then I got to this alarm thingy,
and then before I could walk any further the bomb destroyed everything.
O yes, I discovered another keystroke. As you all know, l tells you the
number of lives you have. Well actually you don't have only 3 lives. You
have 12 lives. C will tell you how many continues you have.  I guess you
can call it a cartridge containing 3 lives. Each time your 3 lives is
up, you get a menu to continue or give up and if you choose to continue
you will get 3 times to continue  after which the game is over.  
I wonder why it says: intro level 1 each time. Well if   it means that
I'm playing on easy difficulty then  the hard difficulty, if there is
one,  will be more tricky.
But what I can say for now: its not totally impossible to jump over
those mines. Its just practice practice practice and you will eventually
get it right. But beta version 0.1 tells you everything. My personal
viewpoint is that the game gets too tricky too early in the game. Take
self destruct. It's a peace of pudding from levels 1 to 9; only level
10 is tricky. Well, the first time when I played on insane difficulty I
was killed by the  medic urchin on level1 because I didn't fire at him
quickly enough, but when I grasped the trick I managed to easily kill
him from levels 1 to 9.
Danger city should be the same.   Only the last level in danger city
should be as tricky as act3 is at the moment.
I'm still puzzled with that intro to act3. Can anyone tell me what the
guy was doing? I think he was entering something into a computer so that
the place is full of mines and so that the bomb will go off in a short
Anyway, as I'm the sort of gamer who doesn't easily give  up, I will et
you all know if I completed act3.
Now I have a  feeling how to jump over the mines, I Just need to
practice doing it quick enough to escape the bomb.
Happy gaming
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