I actually think he's eighteen.

Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
-----Original Message----- From: tim
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 6:24 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] An Inquiry about MOTA

Like I said a while back your dealing with a 12 year old and there
concept of life is not real but a childs. you will never make it understand.

At 03:39 AM 10/17/2014, you wrote:
Hi Ishan,

Let's get something straight. Weather you intended to or not I find
your posts regarding this matter both rude and a little irritating.
I've already explained why hiring another developer would be
impractical, but my explanation seems to have gone in one ear and out
the other. Either that or you just aren't listening to a word I say so
I will explain it again. Hopefully, in language you can understand.

I can not and will not share USA Games with another game developer for
the simple fact there is little money to be made in splitting it 50/50
with another person. I've already stated before there is not much
money to be made off of creating and selling audio games, and by
splitting it 50/50 with another person I'd essentially be getting half
of what I could have gotten on my own. At a certain point my supposed
partner and I wouldn't make enough off the games to make it
worthwhile. There would be no financial incentive in developing audio
games to bother with it from a commercial standpoint. So I wouldn't be
doing myself or my partner any favors by such an arrangement.

As for getting a lone I wouldn't qualify for one right now given my
financial circumstances. Even if I could I wouldn't because I would be
that much further in debt. My goal for the next few months is to pay
my debts off, to get myself out of debt, and recover financially. I'd
have to be insane to add to my debt by taking out a lone right now. So
its not even remotely a consideration accept for an extreme emergency
That is assuming I could even get a lone to begin with.

Finally, as for you wanting the full version of Mysteries of the
Ancients join the club. So do a lot of other people but pressuring me,
riding my back like a horse with a saddle, and constantly requesting a
full release will not make that happen any time soon. I have personal
issues that need to get resolved before that happens, and no amount of
pressuring me, wining, complaining, etc will make that happen. So just
deal with it. Get off my back.

For what it is worth I have started writing up a new release schedule,
a new time table for the new beta release of Mysteries of the
Ancients, but it is tentative at best. Besides, I have a feeling no
matter what schedule I create it won't satisfy you, and you'll just
wine and complain because you expect things to be done according to
some unrealistic schedule. I'm not Merlin the Magician, and can't wave
my magic wand in the air and make a game appear out of nowhere. It
will take me months to catch up the backlog of work on Mysteries of
the ancients so it is better for you and I both if you just wait
patiently for things to get done when they get done.


My name is not Champion. I would appreciate it if you stop calling me that.

On 10/16/14, ishan dhami <ishan1dha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi champion!
> why you shouldn't give your company to an another person to someone
> and sign an agreement of 50 50
> Maybe it will help.
> as you are saying that you broke all your savings.
> Why can you apply for a cheap lone?
> I think If you have another person which maybe your employee can help
> you emotionally also. So champion go for it!
> I want mota mota mota in full version.
> Thanks
> Ishan

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