Hi all,

A couple of days ago, I was looking at the games under development at spoonbill 
software. It said as of November 2014 there were three games under development. 
BG 2048, BG Word Yahtzee, and BG Simon. Now, I checked yesterday, and it said 
that these games are released, but it says they're released in December. As of 
December 2014, there are no games under development.
My question is, does anyone have these games? If so, would they be willing to 
share them? I sent Ian an Email, but my internet is getting shut off tomorrow, 
and I want to have these games to play. I'm sure Ian will get back to me, but 
it says allow four days for delivery.. I don't have that long.
If anyone has these games, or even knows about them, can they please reply?
Thanks so much,
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