Alter Aeon is a well established MUD with a long history.  It is set
in a world of swords and magic, with regular updates and system-wide
events.  The game is blind friendly for the visually impaired.

Here's a list of changes since our December posting:

New and updated areas:

- The Bonechewer Gnoll camp, a total level 130 group area in the
wastelands west of Elborat, built by Valront and Corallon.

- The Ash Desert Astral Codex, a total level 130 area near the
northern edge of the Ash Desert.  Area built by Draak.

- The city of Dorna, a level 35 area west of Elborat.  This area
was built by Tanthas.

- The Fire Swamps, a total level 115 group area on the Trollway
near Dikeman's Atoll.  Area built by Kagome.

There have also been a lot of updates and improvements to the
island of Archais, including new microareas, questlines, and
better organization to make it easier to find things.

Server code updates:

- Lots of druid updates:  8 new spells and skills, including a new
tincture, new called animals, new carving options, and two very high
level starcatcher spells.  Druids also saw a lot of quality of life
fixes such as minion updates, brewing improvements, and new
'gather' command options.

- Clerics got improved holy weapons, a new 'revocation' curse, and
a cursebreaking ability to uncurse items.

- Necromancers now have some very powerful disenchanting skills,
allowing them to remove effects from items. They also received the
ability to shatter soulstones.

- New warrior skills included a low level knockback effect, a high
level 'reinforce armor' skill, and a 'shield block' skill to work
in tandem with the parry defensive skill.

Not including the above, there were minor updates to skills in all
the classes, along with improvements to bottling, the check
commands, lock picking, and more.  For the full server changelog,
please see:

Lastly, there's a new Mush-Z release which adds new sounds.


Alter Aeon MUD

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