There might be a chance of Phillip having your order details somewhere, but 
I wouldn't bet on it, especially after a while. Might be worth getting in 
touch though, just in case.

From: "Jessica |M" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 19:07
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Q9 Has a New Home

|I bought Q9 several years ago, and had fun playing it.  The computer
I ran it on isn't functional these days, and I somehow lost track of
my authorization key, so it's a shame I'll not be able to play it
again unless I want to pay nearly $200, something |I'm not about to
do.  Firstly, it's because |I don't have that kind of money to spare,
and secondly, like others have said, I believe it's unfair to make
interested parties pay that price, just to be able to play a game,
and bundle it with software they won't use otherwise.  I haven't kept
with Leasey, but this prompts me to go search out just exactly what
it is, out of curiosity.  Brian will be the one who eventually will
lose money by not selling the game separately, as many more people
are willing to pay 20 or 30 bucks for a game, than they would be to
shell out five times that much.  A majority of us are on low income,
so couldn't afford such a thing, even if some of us otherwise might
pay that kind of price, which is unlikely to begin with.

At 04:15 PM 7/28/2015, you wrote:
>Hi Josh,
> From a legal point of view the answer is no. It would be considered
>piracy to give your product key to anyone who wants it.
>That said, there is a saying that fits. Anything is legal as long as
>you don't get caught. Giving out your key would not technically be
>legal or ethical, but as long as you didn't get caught at it you could
>do whatever you wanted.
>On 7/28/15, Josh K <> wrote:
> > can I give my q9 standard version key to people who want q9 but who
> > don't want to buy jaws and leesy?
> >
> > follow me on twitter @joshknnd1982
> >
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