Hi gang. I wanted to let you know what is going on with me of late. 
First, I want to apologize for not getting to held messages right away. 
These last couple of days have been rather busy due to getting ready for 
my family's move and working during the day.

As you may or may not know, me and my family are moving 1300 miles away. 
This move is due to a new job which I have accepted and since the 
company is not located in Colorado, we must move. . We are heading to a 
new state and a new life. The move will happen the first weekend of 
March. Because of this, I will not have easy access to email the week 
before and up to two weeks after. I'll still keep in touch here and 
there but as I said, it will not be as easy. Be assured you can still 
write me and I will eventually respond. If I have time, I will be able 
to check on held messages to deal with those as well. Tom is also a busy 
guy, but between the two of us, things will get done, I promise.

Please do not ask about the move as I cannot say at this time due to 
NDA. However, once things are done, and the company I work for has given 
the green light, I'm sure you will know what has happened.

All the best.

Remember this, and shew yourselves men: bring it again to mind, O
ye transgressors.
                -- Isaiah 46:8
Raul A. Gallegos ... IliwSsmc

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