Hi Phil,
I have one very consistant error, bug, or problem with Sarah that 
happens quite often. I'm not sure if this is a result of me using Vista, 
if this issue is related to system resources, or what, but it happns all 
the time to me.
 I know you are suppose to use the up arrow and down arrow to speed up 
and slow down Sarah's walk. However, what happens on my system it will 
work normal for a while and about aminute or so in to game play even at 
a fast run with the up arrow all the way forward Sarah moves exgtremely 
slow, step, pause, pause, pause, step, pause, pause, pause, step, and so on.
I noticed when using control+w for coordinates Sarah doesn't seam to be 
moving, and is sort of frozen in place although all of my other keys 
seam to be responding. However, the arrows don't seam to respond. In 
stead I get that step and pause thing.
What is most annoying about this bug or error in the game is if I am 
trying to run out of range of the cat or a ghost I suddenly get in to 
this frozen loop and they more often as not catch up with me while I am 
locked up in that freeze state.
Any ideas about this bug? Does this happen with anyone else?

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