Hi Phil,
Sure. Sarah of course wouldn't know some of the spells Harry used. 
Especially, not any of the ones out of his Advanced Potions book since 
Snape created those spells when he was a student.
In any case if Sarah had heard about them by some chanse she would not 
be legally allowed to use them since they are created by a known Death 
Eater, and now has come out of his secrecy to show himself for what he was.
I can hardly wait for book 7 to find how Snape gets his just desserts 
for killing Dumbledor.
I also would like to know how Harry Potter manages to locate and destroy 
all the remaining Horcroxes that were not found yet.

Phil Vlasak wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> I think only in the last book did Harry use a spell on Filch.
> a jinx that glued the tongue to the roof of the mouth (which he had twice 
> used, to general applause, on an unsuspecting Argus Filch);
> Harry could have snuck up behind him and used that non-verbal hang upside 
> down spell on him too.
> Of course Sarah would not know of these spells as they were created by the 
> HBP.
> I was originally going to have Sarah start the game with only three spells 
> and then give her the rest when she read about them in the library, but 
> realized the being a graduate from Salem school of Witchcraft, she should 
> know more spells than three.
> So now she knows thirteen, and she does need to  practice the Patronis spell 
> to get longer lasting ones and reading the books gives her more of the 
> spells with counters.
> Note, her thirteen spells include the 11 in her spell menu plus the apparate 
> and Four-Point Spell.
> Phil

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