Hi Lora.

I've never actually played Risk, but a stratogy style boardgame would be 
great sinse it would satisfy two of our gaming desires, ----- stratogy games 
and board games, however I'm not sure about how the programming for such a 
game would work.

the fantasy game certainly sounds great. tthere seems to have been a fair 
few releases like that in the 1980's, particularly tied to specific books or 
worlds, ----- there's apparently a boardgame based on Warlock of Firetop 
mountain, the very first Fighting fantasy adventure game book.

Of course, being a tolkeen fan, the game I'd love to play most is the Lotr 
stratogy game, which has both characters wandering around the board 
encountering various things, and large armies and military stratogy ala 
risk. It sounds great! and an accessible version, with or without computer 
opponents would be great!

I believe a fair few 1980's board games can be downloaded as Pdf's so that 
you can print out the board and cards and such, ---- unfortunately though, 
these aren't precisely accessible, ---- like the sited versions, unless 
you've got somebody to do the necessary reading of cards, board squares etc.

but for people specifically wanting a fantasy adventure style board game 
(including me), there's a quite interesting project underway over at 
Chronicals of Arborell  http://www.arborell.com/

this is a sort of cross betwene a card game and a gamebook. There are a 
number of cards that make up the dungeon, and a very large book of gamebook 
sections. The idea is that you put down a card and then look up certain 
things in the book ----- occasionally rowling on random encounter tables D&D 
style), you then put down another card (the cards have arrows), to represent 
another dungeon room, and so on. There is a quest to complete which requires 
you to collect certain items, but there are also some extre encounter tables 
and things so that you can just play the game as a randomly generating 

Obviously the only accessibility issue is the actual cards themselves, but 
I've had a discussion with the game creator, ----- who's been fairly 
fantastic as regards accessibility matters, and he's looking into producing 
an Html version of the cards, and using the Gma dice program to generate a 
number at random to tell you what card to pick (keeping a record of past 
cards in case you need to back track through the dungeon).

I'm not sure how much work has been done on the accessible html 
version, ---- the Gm's rewriting one of the Arborell gamebooks at the 
moment, but I certainly think it'll be fantastic when it's done.

In the mean time, I'd deffinately recommend checking out the gamebooks and 
novellas on the site, the Arborell world is really interesting and the Gm 
can certainly write.

I'll now run away before this turns into an advert.

Beware the Grue!


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