
As people will probably know, I'm a huge fan of the Chronicals of Arborell, 

A site which contains several extremely well written gamebooks and stories, 
with a full rpg and other game things in developement. 

Wain Densely, the Gm is absolutely fantastic about accessibility, and at the 
moment is trying to make the site more accessible with text versions of maps 
etc, as well as producing an html version of the card game. He's requested that 
people please send him in put with comments and suggestions about screen reader 
accessibility, so that he can improve things in the future. 

As I said, these are probably my favourite gamebooks on the net, and the 
fiction is extremely great as well. also, i've rarely come across a gm of an 
online game esque thing who's so good about accessibility, so comments and 
support for him would deffinately be a good thing all round, so I hope people 
will take the time to check the chronicals out. 

Beware the Grue! 

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