Hi Dakotah and all,
First, I'd like to fill in some of the background info Trenton left out 
of his statement. Trenton was making reference to Tomb Raider 
Chronicals. In that game everyone thinks Lara Croft was killed in Last 
Revelation when the temple was destroyed, and so the entire game is 
ssetup in a flashback style. You get to revisit four of Lara's past 
adventures. In each adventure you gather weapons and other items, but as 
soon as the next flashback or adventure  begins you lose whatever you 
gathered in the previous adventure.
Second, the TRC style of gathering items and then losing them at some 
point in game play is really difficult, and I don't believe AGM makes 
this possible.

Dakotah Rickard wrote:
> Sorry, I don't follow. Never played those games.
> Actually, there's no way, unless we get some variables introduced...by
> the way, that'd be a helpful addition, variables to store data...
> We can't keep up with ammo and weapons and all that.
> Signed:
> Dakotah Rickard

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