Hmmm... Sounds like you need to get yourself all worked up to trash Old 
Man Standly's house again. After all that table is the best to take out 
your vengence on.
You know, I think Old Man Standly is down at the local store playing 
Santa. Maybe I will put on my Elf suit and run a few rounds boxing him 
about a bit.

Raul a. Gallegos wrote:
> That reminds me of the time I got over 1.2 billion points, yes Billion 
> with a B. took like 5 hours, but it was very fun. Was on number 1 for 
> the score server for a while until they reset it. Think I may have to 
> look at the archives to find that message, but it was around June some 
> time last year. I have not even come close since.

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