If you are talking about PB Games Java has nothing to do with your 
issue. Understand that Java and Javascript are absolutely two different 
languages that often get confused by non-programmer types.
Java is like this really cool portible programming language that was 
designed by Sun Micro Systems to write just about anything for any 
platform, and is one of the cooler languages out there. Javascript is a 
Java-like language designed by
Netscrap to compete with Microshaft ActiveX as the dominate web 
scripting language. Unfortunately for Microshaft and Netscrap the open 
source movement started their own web scripting languages such as php 
which have been far more widely used than ActiveX and Javascrap.
By the tone of my message I guess you can tell I am no fan of ActiveX or 
Javascript. The answer is true. I don't care for either one of them 
personally, and I'd rather script my web page using perl or php any day. 
Besides which I think the web browser wars are over. Internet Exploder 
is a core part of the XP and Vista os, and yet free alternatives such as 
Firefox are gaining wide support everywhere.
I'll get off my soapbox now. (Sheepish grin)

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