I haven't followed this thread really closely, but have read an occasional post 
on it.  It seems like some members are saying that it is, and others say that 
it is totally not, playable by totally blind gamers.  Is this a game?, or is 
this a similation of flying.  There is, after all, a difference.  Some list 
members are making parts of the installation available to others on their own 
sites, but not the whole thing.  This is obviously no good.  We need it all, or 
we need to where to get all of it and what to get.  File names in their 
entirety and the installation sequence.  What seems odd is that part of the 
installation package is being made available by those who have never played it, 
so they're not sure of what is what.  Others have given sites on where to get 
files, but aren't sure if they are still valid sites.  I would suggest that 
sites be checked for authenticity and accuracy before they are posted to cut 
down on confusion.  For now, with all the unchecked and untried info going 
around, I wouldn't touch this with a 10-foot pole!  Check your info, and know 
what you're talking about before posting!  If you're not sure, don't post it.
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