Hi Karl,

I've found a problem which still apparently hasn't been fixed. If you
are carrying at least one sword, you can stand in one spot, and the
skull will roll right past, not attacking you, but not being destroyed
End quote

Thanks for reminding me of this issue. I've seen it before, but was busy 
working on other things and  forgot to work on this one. I'll put that 
one in the next update.

 Also, is there supposed to be anything different in how the
bonus level works? It appears to work just like a normal level.
End quote

Yes, there is one diference. Bonus levels only give you one chanse to 
complete them. If you die during a bonus level you will be immediately 
transported to the next level up Also bonus levels are not saved as 
standard levels are. So bonus levels are important in adding to your 
over all score because you get one and only one chanse at them per game.

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