Hi Thomas,

Yeah I have stolen, borrowed or wrote some good tag lines over the years.  Been 
collecting them since the time when all Email programs affixed them to your 
message so they could be found every where.

Just a hint for Homer on a Harley version 2.  The rocket booster is best used 
on or just after the ramp.


----- Original Message -----
Great! I'll grab it after I mail out some product keys. <Smile>
By the way, great signature. I love it. You booted your computer and 
broke your toe. There are times i feel like booting my computer that way 
when it acts up.


Computers run on smoke. Yep, that's why that if you see all of the smoke coming 
out of your computer it ain't gonna run no more.

(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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