A disproportionate number of our orders come from the UK and, inside  
the US,  Pennsylvania.  We've had orders in the past from some unusual  
places, like Iran, Iraq, China, South Africa, and some countries that  
I've never even heard of, that you could consider developing nations.   
We've even had an order or two from Bosnia.

Draconis Entertainment

Draconis Entertainment
"Feel the power...wield the magic..."

On 15 Dec, 2007, at 9:43 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

> Hi Phil,
> Now, that I reread Ari's post I feel a bit silly, but you are right. I
> think he meant developing countries not accessible game developers.
> To specifically address Ari's original question I have not had one
> single order from a developing country. All orders have come from
> wealthier countries like Canada, USA, UK, and Australia. I have even
> seen a couple of orders from Germany. That isn't surprising, because
> blind gamers do have some kind of steady income in those countries,  
> and
> can probably afford the games.. Especially, since the Euro and British
> Pound are actually better than the dollar in value these days.

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