I wouldn't say that running XP or Vista under Linux using a vm software 
like VM Ware is exactly dire, but you will notice some slow down and 
proformence los by doing so on computers with less memory and older 
processors. However, with Vista using it under VM is horrible even with 
the Arrow service turned off and a 2.4 GHZ processor. Vista really needs 
at least 3 GHZ to run good and 1 GB of ram absolute minimum if you are 
going to vm it.

Draconis Entertainment wrote:
> Hi Cara and all,
> Yes, you are correct as far as XP goes.  Vista doesn't run nearly as  
> well as XP in a virtual environment.  The performance hit is  
> noticeable though, but it isn't quite as dire as it may be under  
> Linux.  The may issue is, I think, that Windows coupled with a Windows  
> screen reader is prohibitively expensive...and most Mac users would  
> far and away prefer not to have to run Windows at all if they can  
> avoid it.
> Draconis Entertainment

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