Hi Phil,
Yeah, I know all too well what a pain it is trying to use human speech 
in a game. Cara was going to voice over Montezuma's Return for me, her 
voice was great for the job, but it was difficult getting the recordings 
just right and I noticed the same things you did. I would get a batch of 
files then ask for something else I needed and there would be slight 
changes that made them not quite fit with the last batch making it sound 
not exactly right when put together as a whole. I'd have loved to keep 
Cara's recordings in the game, but neither of us could pull it off the 
way I wanted it, and so I decided to switch to Sapi instead.

Phil Vlasak wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> If you want games developed quickly then a synthesized voice recorded is 
> much faster to do.
> When I get a new idea I can get a recording in a few minutes, but if I want 
> a human voice it may take a week to get it.
> I originally developed the Sarah game using the Crystal voice from A T and 
> T.
> Then so many people complained that they did not like the voice that I got a 
> real human to record the lines.
> It took a lot longer to edit those recordings and put them in the game.
> Since the original recording session I have asked Sarah to record new lines 
> at least a dozen different times.
> Each time her voice was slightly different and it shows.
> With a synthesizer it would all sound alike.
> What I should have done is complete the game using Crystal then ask Sarah to 
> record everything at once, but that did not happen.
> Phil

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