Hello Lisa.

Yes there is indeed, it's free, self-voicing via Ms sapi, produced by Jim 
Kitchin and is great.

You can get it from http://www.kitchensinc.net/

Along with quite a number of other games, ---- including a self-voicing 
version of the game of life boardgame.

For a similar game to monopoly, you might also considder trying Lords of the 
Galaxy from Vip gameszone.

The rules are slightly different (you move through the galaxy buying and 
selling planets), the game includes a few action style minigames for cash, 
but the form of the game is there, ---- it's sort of monopoly with a twist.

You can also play against other people online as well.

the only bad news is the game is not free, but there is a demo available. 
You can get it from http://vipgameszone.com/index.php


Beware the Grue!


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