Hi all,
Recently I bit the bullet and purchased myself an adventures guild 
subscription. So far I love love love the guild subscription, and feel 
it is well worth the price. However,now that I have the Guild 
subscription I want to know where to off load some of my gear that 
actually pays you some serious gold.
For example, I am still carrying around the Helm of the Stag. I have 
been trying to sell it, and the largest offer is 100 gold. Although, I 
know being a magical item it should fetch me a lot more than that if I 
could just find someone interested in buying it for a reasonable price.
My house in Dernsig is literally packed with items I would like to sell 
at market, but I am not going to sell until I find someone who is 
willing to pay top dollar for it. I have some relatively good armor that 
costs like 600 in the markets, but best offer is 200. That like is a 
rather unfair offer since I would expect at least say 400 in solid gold 
for the same offer used.
So any suggestions where i can begin conducting business would be 
appreciated. I am sick of dealing with swindlers.Any more of their type 
and I am going to run them through the gut with Goblin Doom which is 
wicked cool in battle with those pesky goblins.

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