Well your idea was exactly what I was saying, except that even  when
you dodge you get hit. I will add that, I like that idea. Also, you
only have a 1/5 chance of shooting him, he has 4/5 chance of dodging
it. So it will take awhile you need to hit him 15 or so times. Score
posting comes right after the Shooting of left, right and middle. Then
the side scroller, 3d and boss. Your posted score reflects your score
in the "regular" game only.


On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 4:00 AM, shaun everiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 well how about have the bos and you shoot in turns, the bos shoots,
you shoot, the boss shoots and you dodge, even when you dodge you have
a chance of being hit, and same with the boss, not sure how that would

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