Hi all,
Would like some tips or just some pointers as to how to solve Sudoku puzzles 
where you've reached a part where it is not obvious what number fits, what 
is the trick to somehow deduce what number could fit by just looking at the 
square, row or column, how to sort of see the puzzle as a whole, and to try 
and somehow deduce the relationship between a different part of the puzzle, 
how that could have an impact on the whole puzzle.   I think the term for 
these are hidden singles, any strategies to deal with these? Also, what's an 
effective strategy to solve the BG Fifteen puzzles? I've realised I need to 
improve with these, I'm not good at thinking ahead to try and plan moves in 
advance, like with chess, I just can't concentrate on the board/puzzle as a 
whole, rather, I solve stuff bit by bit, just not good at all with this 
spatial square stuff and moving things around!

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