Hi Jim,
I am having a couple of keyboard issues with Puppy1 i would like to ask 
you about. Perhaps you can address them in a future update of the game.
the first one is about the menus. While in the menus pressing down arrow 
or up arrow scrolls too rapidly. Instead of moving to the next item it 
will often scroll 2 or 3 menu choices at a time. I believe you mentioned 
before you have switched to DirectInput for keyboard handling. In that 
case the menu keyboard input for the menus should be looking for 
keyboard releases and not key presses. If youcheck for a key release 
rather than a key press in menus the menu item won't scroll to the next 
item until the up or down arrow is released.
The second one is just a laptop vs desktop keyboard layout issue. As the 
game currently exists you need to shoot with the left control key and 
fire with the right control key. that is fine for desktops and laptops 
with a full sized keyboard, but not all laptops come with two control 
keys. I have owned two laptops with a left control key only, and in that 
case the gamer could fire but not get information on enemy positions. 
Perhaps you could add an extra information key to the game to address 
this issue with laptops?

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