Hi Damien,
Well said. A lot of times we just don't think. We don't care about the 
other side of the issue. We only see our side of the piracy issue, and 
for most people that is enough. However, I can clearly remember such a 
issue in my own life I now feel a bit ashamed of.
Back when I was in high school I had a girl friend named Mandy. She 
really liked Amy Grant, but didn't own any of her tapes or cds. I knew 
we had them at my house so in an attempt to win her affections I copied 
them to tape, and gave them to her as a gift. She was predictably 
excited to get a taped copy of Heart In Motion, House of Love, etc. 
Though, at that time I didn't see it as steeling, piracy, etc. Just 
something you do for someone you really like. A means of impressing the 
girl you want to date.
Well, one thing I found out later on in life do to her Christian 
upbringing Amy Grant actually does something useful with her money. 
Instead of blowing it all on drugs, beer, etc she donates millions of 
dollars of her own money to humanitarian origanisations that provides 
homes for homeless families. She has spent millions on medicine, food, 
and clothing for people who have none. Now, that I am older I would have 
wished the $30 I pirated for my own interests might have been donated to 
such good will organizations. It may have been used for a good cause, 
but I didn't think or know about that side of the issue back then.

Damien Sadler wrote:
> Hi,
> I think it's just about the same with anybody. I don't know a single person 
> who didn't pirate a CD for someone if music's their thing, pirate a software 
> key for someone if computers are their thing...
> What's important though is when those people understand what problems it is 
> causing the producers of the end product and they then go and buy a 
> legitimate copy.
> Regards,
> Damien.

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