Hi. It sounds more like a spacial concept issue more than anything. Not retarded, nothing wrong with you, other than your brain just probably does not process spacial concepts very well.

On a basic level, if someone says that an object is 30 feet in front of you, under the table and to the right of the leg of a chair, can you picture in your head where that is without actually going there?

Orin wrote:
Hey all,

Well, I've attempted to start on Discworld once again. I haven't yet, but I was sitting at the login prompt, thinking. Ever since leaving Alter Aeon, I've always had this problem about not memorizing where things are where I want to go, and in the past I always asked, and either I didn't get help, was taken there, etc, usually taken there. The problem with that is is that people speedwalk areas when I follow them, so it's like wo, where am I going and how do I get there? In discworld, of course, I always used to reley on those earchans that would take you to guilds and things. I was fine with that, but getting back was a problem, attempting to walk anyway. I hate using the godmother when it's such a short distance and I can walk there.

And I guess the reason I like disc is for it's complex gameplay. It's not just some mud where you can type kill orc and watch the fight. I just hate asking for directions to places, and going in random directions really doesn't help me either, and I say that for all big muds. Oh, I also like Disc because of the amount of websites and players and the whole community.

I just find it hard to memorize something that, along the line, if there's 14 exits in a room, leading off somewhere, which is the right one.

Than again, it seems I have this problem with fighters and consoles too, do a combo and five seconds later forget what I did and have to look at the move list again.

And on Christmas, it'll probably be even worse for Rock Band because I'll have to remember evenmore than a fighter or anything like that lol. Yet I do good in school so it's not some mentally retarded issue or anything, or at least I hope not...

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