Hi list,

since I got myself a new laptop for christmas on which Windows 7 is running, I finally can play Airic the cleric, yay.

For one I noticed that there still quite a few bugs in the game, especially with sounds which play when they shouldn't and such things. But I guess it is still playable.

But now I'm a bit stuck in the game. For everyone who doesn't know the game yet, I'll give a spoiler warning here.


Ok, I killed the first boss in the game and brought the hammer back to the temple. But now I don't know where to go next. I noticed a door leading out of the village on the south side now and found one enemy and a tresure chest with a power cube inside, but I can't find another way where I could continue.

I know that some form of ice palace should come next, but as I said, I can't find a new way to go.

So, everyone who played the game already, help is much appreciated. *smiles*

Btw, on the game website there are 2 secret areas listed that are in this first game. Will I get to these areas when I simply follow the main story or do I have to search for them seperately? If it's the latter, I just want to make sure I go there before the game ends so I go everywhere, that's why I'm asking, so I can keep a look out for secret stuff.

Thanks in advance for any help and best regards

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