Hi Dark,

I know what you are saying. Although, I am, and always have been a fan
of the Tomb Raider games, the Jacolin Natla storyline is beginning to
get old.

Clear back in the original 1997 game, Tomb Raider, Lara Croft is hired
by Natla to retrieve the pieces of the Scion which turns out to be a
magic artifact from Atlantis. Natla herself turns out to be an imortal
Queen of Atlantis who wants the Scion to bring back Atlantis. After
Lara beats Natla there is a cutscene that shows Natla falling into a
chasm to her death, or so Lara thinks.

The next time we see Natla is in Tomb Raider Legend. She also plays a
major roll at the end of Tomb Raider Underworld as well. Its like how
many times can Lara kill the woman off, send her to the underworld,
and she keeps coming back to get her butt kicked. Lol!

Of course, the entire series has been mishandled in my opinion, and
there are some pretty huge plot holes. Its one thing to keep bringing
a main villain back from the dead, but its even worse when a game
company brings a main character back from the dead. Perhaps the most
infamous of these is the jump between Last Revelation and Angel of
Darkness where Edos Interactive killed Lara off in Last Revelation,
and brought her back to life in Angel of Darkness with a revised story
that she was only missing not physically dead as the cutscene had

For those who don't know what I'm talking about in Tomb Raider Last
Revelation Dr. Von Croy and Lara Croft are in Egypt searching for the
tomb of Set. Of course, Lara finds it and unintentionally sets Set
free when she removes the Amulet of Horus from his tomb, thus
unbinding him from his prison, to go on a rampage. Set makes Dr. Von
Croy his avatar, and the next 32 levels or so are spent gathering
together the weapons needed to beat Set and rebind him in his tomb.
What actually ends up happening when Lara fights set is she puts the
Amulet of Horus in the niche of the wall, and it causes Set's temple
to collapse imprisoning him in stone. The final cutscene shows Lara
running for her life as the temple falls down all around her, and she
makes it to the main entrance when the floor breaks below her feet.
She slips and grabs a broken ledge where Von Croy tries to grab her
hand and help her up. As he reaches for her the ledge breaks and Lara
Croft falls screaming to her death. Its a clear cut case where the
authors intended to kill her off, and there is no way you can write
that cutscene off as anything else but a final death scene.

Never-the-less Edos must have realized they killed the golden goose as
they tried to go back and rewrite history and just blow the ending of
Last Revelation off. In Angel of Darkness there is a scene where Lara
shows up at Von Croys apartment and he gasps, "aLara, your alive!"
Then, she makes some comment about not being really dead, but only
missing and having lost her memory for a while. Just then some thugs
break in, he hands Lara his diary, as they blow him away and frame the
murder on Lara Croft. The whole setup for bringing her back doesn't
even begin to explain why the fall didn't kill her, and how she
escaped when the temple came down on top of her. It was just a quick
and easy fix so Edos could begin selling more Tomb Raider games. This
is something I won't do in my games, because its simply unbelievable
from a plot standpoint. Game or not those kinds of things are a turn
off for me.


On 1/5/12, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
> Agreed Tom, that raising villain plot really can only go so far.
> That's actually one of the reasons I'm sorry i can't play the current mega
> man and mega man x games, sinse in the X series, Sigma has actually been
> perminantly killed off in mega man x 8, while the classic series games have
> just introduced the virus into the games and seem to be leading up to the
> final death of wily and the introduction of the Mavaric virus.
> One of the things I always appreciate in a story, weather with a game or
> series or anything else is being able to move it on and having plots end
> rather than just doing the same thing over and over again.
> Look at star trek ds9 where they decided to actually introduce on going
> story with the dominion war which of course eventually comes to a final end,
> or babylon 5 which does this even more so.
> this has actually been one of my complaints with the recent Dr. who, they no
> longer seem to considder what the various races such as the daleks are doing
> progressively through time and just pull them in to be villain of the week.
> Beware the grue!
> Dark.

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