I've just tried the mars game. Nice, and rather fun, but that's actually not 
why I'm writing this message. 

one problem the developer of Eamon deluxe is having is that sinse Eamon deluxe 
needs to use a doss like interface to run the eamon games, the only option for 
running it in windows 7 is using dosbox, which is obviously not accessible, 
because windows 7 doesn't have a console window mode for launching 16 bit 

yet Mars does! seem to run in a console window, or something very like it, and 
obviously the original was made for Dos, yet this version now works on post xp 

has Richard desteno got some sort of code to run doss programs in windows? 
could this be added to other games?

If I am utterly wrong and in fact mars is has been completely and utterly 
rewritten so as to be a windows application, and doesn't in fact use the 
console window at all just let me know. if however there is a way round this it 
could be a great way for running Eamon deluxe accessibly in windows 7, ---- and 
maybe some other doss games too assuming Richard would be willing to share his 

Beware the grue! 

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