Hi Dakotah,
Like I said, under special circumstances the moderators will review your message, and if it is appropriate to be the size it is we will approve it. Philip's BGT announcement is an example of such a message.

-----Original Message----- From: Dakotah Rickard
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 3:34 AM
To: kr...@eklyon.co.uk ; Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Moderator reminder: Trimming messages

I do object, only because, as I said, a person may have a single long
idea which is valid. I've had to split up messages before, and it
isn't so bad, but one difficulty I've had is that sometimes I'll
exceed the size limit, but I lose my message, because it isn't
referenced or resent in the rejection. If it was resent, then I could
find a good place to split it up, or I could reread it to see if it
could be modified by me.

Dakotah Rickard

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