thanks because as soon as I entered on the file instead of one folder it gave me all these files and I didn't know witch one to exctract.
so I will extract that file you mentioned below.
thanks so much.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Sherman" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 12:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] I have a question about swamp.

HI Angel,

When you extract the files, they should be all in 1 folder. The game runs
from that folder, no installation necessary. the only thing you might have
to do is register some files if you are running vista or windows 7. If this
is the case, please read the readme.txt file to register those necessary

In that directory is a swamp.exe file. Hit enter on it and enter your user
name, password, and agree to the user agreement. Hit enter on multiplayer
and see if it runs. If so, it will say connected and this day is sponsored
by some person.

Couple of Things to note:

1. When the game starts, it will be set to use sapi for your tts. You can
change this if you wish.

2. After the game starts, it will create three more files in that directory, progress.ini, keyconfig.ini, and chatlog.txt. the progress file is to store
your stats and settings. The keyconfig.ini file is for your keyboard
settings. you can modify this as you wish to suit your needs. And the chat
log is a text file of your chat messages. Messages sent by you and any other
person are stored here for future use if necessary.

3. Please read the changelog.txt file. it will give you some helpful hints.

4. Remember to use custom maps if you need to explore or try some things.
This way you can experiment with out getting killed and loosing all your

5. have fun. And remember to ask for help if necessary. Most people there
are glad to help newbee's.

Good luck.

----- Original Message ----- From: "angel.adorno1" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 6:50 PM

hi list I just downloaded the swamp file tried to unzip it, unziped it but
there are alot of files can any one tell me where I go from here I am stuck.
thanks so much.

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